
My 2017

My life is full of excitement for future. Mystery of coming day, month or year makes me feel alive. I love how I am changing and growing as a person and more time  goes by, more I learn about who I am. Each year I find out more about  how I can be best version of myself and  welcome happiness in my life everyday.

For many years I am doing those “reviews”. It is very much a reflection of how I felt about the year and just a check point to see if I am on the good path.

If I had to describe my 2017 in three words, that would be: STABILITY, WORK, FAMILY .


Soon it will be 2 years since I live in same flat with same people. It is a longest period I call one place home, since I moved out from childhood flat when I was 19.

Same people are my closest friends. Same cat. Same job, which I adore and is full of excitement and challenges! Even same hair color and that’s a big deal for me!

This stable time helped me to find peace with myself and past. I started to be more sure who I am and whom I want to be in future. I managed to have a year without any drama, to close old chapters and just again become truly happy myself.  Even I experienced sudden mood changes in spring, but I kept it in control! Goal for new year keep my mood stable whole year!


Oh! My MAGICAL CAUCASUS   is already almost 2 years old and last year were amazing. Such a progress in a year. I worked crazily a lot! It was not easy, some things seemed  just too much to handle, so after end of tourism season I took a break for 2 months and tried to recover while traveling.

But it was so great! People I met, places I discovered, things I learnt! I am so lucky to have a job which makes me so exited every day.


My relationship with family was complicated for many years. I remember 2 years ago when I was in hospital after broken hand surgery, in pain crying and thinking how abandoned, lonely I feel. That was a moment when I understood that I will have a real family just if I will create it by myself (to be honest, I was on strong pain killers that moment). It’s long and complicated story how did it happen, that my relationship with family came to that point. But..

Last summer my sisters came for 5 days to Georgia.  We walked, laughed,  talked, listened and…. everything changed . I started to feel like finally they hear me. As well all that anger I was caring for decade, faded in last 2 years. I admitted my mistakes, emotional stupid decisions I made and in general, I became so much calmer and rational human being.

In autumn first time in so many years, I enjoyed being in Lithuania and I was not rushing to run away. I am looking forward now to visit and spend with my family as often as I can. Because, they are my family and I feel a part of it finally.



  • Started again going to cultural events;
  • Finally quit smoking;
  • Reached the best shape of my adult life. Felt strong and healthy!
  • Traveled! A lot! I missed doing it so much so I got slightly out of control… In autumn I traveled through 12 countries. Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Transnistria  are countries I visited first time. I finally reached number 40 for countries I have been in my life!I was flying, riding a train, taking bus and of course, did little bit of hitchhiking. Many different hostels, countless hours of conversations with strangers and even more time just wondering around cities by myself and getting lost in my thoughts.

    I did paragliding in Caucasus mountains and Zip line in canyon in Montenegro!

  • I tried my best not to do anything I don’t want and not to spend my energy on people who are not worth of it!
  • I again cried from happiness!

2018 will be year of INCREDIBLE THINGS. I am in total control of my life, challenging myself in different aspects, following all rabbits and opportunities to create awesome and unforgettable year!






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