Georgia taught me so many different and surprising things, that I could never guess I will learn. Maybe it even changed me as a person. I became more patient, more relaxed and ready to accept all different “surprises” in my road of life. You have to become person like this, if you want to survive in messy Georgia. In the beginning it was annoying, but after sometime I started to enjoy it…and now I am even missing it. Maybe it’s some kind of “Stockholm syndrome”?
1. I wish to say, I will never miss these moments, when I’m coming back home after hot day/crazy night, and… there are no water. At all. How many evenings I was going to sleep after washing my face with Likani or Borjomi mineral water? Another situation- exam session. I am pretending, that I am studying. Bah! No internet. Options: to go to nearest bar with internet or to visit part of family aka neighbors living in “Depresuha”…But you know, you will not study there. I guess once or twice even electricity disappeared… Ahh, my lovely Georgia!
2. Tbilisi State University… I guess, it’s one of the best universities in Georgia. But the lack of organizational abilities and competence sometimes was really killing me. My patient was tested by lecturers who were late for their classes and keeping students to wait …Or sometimes not appearing at all, because they…hmm…forgot. Wonderful syllabus of courses comparing with the quality of real classes. Last weeks decisions like “You don’t have to give final paper.” But I already had it! The feeling, I don’t know when/where/why this course exist?
However, I loved smoking breaks with professor next to the university window in corridor. I loved discussions about things I am interested in. I loved teachers who really taught me something…and was bringing wine to the last lectures.
3. As I have already mentioned about punctuality, I want to continue about time. In Georgia I learned that exist normal time and… Georgian time. 5 minutes normal time =20 minutes Georgian time (or more). If you have a meeting with Georgian, don’t bother yourself about coming on time or at least bring a book. It will take time until Georgian will show up. Of course, few exceptions exist and some of them will come on time.
4. I already missing Georgian taxi drivers. Now I live in place where exist taximeters, but in Georgia you have to bargain. Ah, I love it so much! And if driver even agrees with me to fast, I don’t like it. I like real, old-school bargaining process, which takes some time! Gagarini…sami lari..!!. Oh yeah, it’s 5 people with me…
5. What’s wrong with March? The most crazy month I had experience in my life. Hot/rainy/cold/windy/sunny… I would say this month really good represents Georgia- full of contrasts and you have to get used to it or leave.
6. First months I had to experience conversations like “It’s not kh” it’s “Khh”, “Not ts…” it’s “Th”… Such a strange language. And it’s impossible to pronounce it. I will never be able to say correctly “bakaki tskalshi kikinebs” , but of course I will try and for you it will give a lot of happiness. Just don’t try to explain me how to pronounce it correctly. I have already tried. I am sure, I’m not able to do it.
7. Some words after living in Georgia changed their definitions. “Challenge”– 5 liters of wine, “Let’s go to dive“´- doesn’t mean diving but means cool bar called “DIVE”, “I want to go to gallery”– not in some art gallery…but in Cafe Gallery. And of course, word that will always define something special. “Where have you been?” “Nowhere“. Because to be in “Nowhere” is awesome! Dancing on the tables, chatting with wonderful barmans (some of them half naked), drinking until it’s hard to walk! Ah…Arsad, Arsad… How much money and parts of dignity I have left there?
Terrible quality, but such a memory!
8. I will miss all Tbilisi festivals… Wine festival, where I was testing wine and pretending I know something about it. Beer festival for my and my friends goodbye party. Tbilisi Open Air– three crazy days. Dancing in the rain while listening Alina Orlova, getting crazy with “Loudspeakers”, trying to manage bunch of guys who were trying their luck on me and my friends. Advice- “Don’t try to take a girl to “Toi-toi toilet” to have some fun. Or behind the tent.Yes, we are drunk, but…not stupid! C’mon guys!!” Tbilisi spring/summer set– wonderful electronic music, just be better organized about air conditioners, because I had almost fainted. Street music day- with wonderful Lithuanian and Georgian musicians… Ahh…, I want to come back, because I will miss a big festival next to seaside in August!
9. I’m already missing Georgian jokes about Armenians “No silence – one more Armenian is getting to be born“, common hate for Russians (not people,but government) and strong friendship between pre-baltica and kavkaz. I love, how much you loved us. We love you too, our cousins from Caucasus!
10. One of the most important thing I learned about Georgia and myself is… I could live there. I know, it’s messy, it’s tiring, sometimes too crazy…but I loved how simple are people, how they are showing their hospitality and makes you to feel so good. I was feeling like in place I supposed to be and looking forward for every new day, because I knew, something interesting and awesome will happen soon.
Last day in Georgia. Beer festival. Trying to drown our sadness in beer.